Hi All
Just one day to go before I take on the London Marathon 2019, I’m a little nervous but excited at the same time.
Its going to be an early start tommorow 28th April 2019 to get up to London for the start as there are no trains at 5am in the morning and none going to Victoria Station until 8am.
So I’m getting a lift by a work colleague Ian Message to a station close to London then making my way to the start at Blackheath London where we are hoping to have a Dementia Revolution Group photo before the London Marathon starts at 10 am.
I would also like to give a huge thank everybody that has supported and sponsored me through all of my charity events.
You can still donate to my chosen charity Dementia Revolution which will generate great needed research and hopefuly a cure in the near future.
If you would like to leave a message then please do so at the bottom of this page, you will have to register to be able to comment.
Thank You for your Support